Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Goals

At the beginning of each year, I like to sit down and write down goals for the new year.  Have you ever done this?  Some people call them resolutions, but I like to call the things I'd like to accomplish goals.  I make them realistic to achieve; some are things that I'd like to continue doing with the Lord's help.  On the top of my list, I wrote, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."  (Philippians 4:13)  I know that without God, I can do nothing.

The first thing I do is come up with categories to write down my goals under.  My categories are the following:


Under each category, I wrote specific goals and how I'm going to accomplish them.  For example, under "spiritual", I wrote that I'd like to be a better witness, and a way to do that is by passing out tracts on a regular the store or where ever I may be.

It takes a while to do this, but it is refreshing to give the new year to the Lord.  I wrote down all my goals in my planner so that I can refer to it on a consistent basis to see how I'm doing.  I hope this is an encouragement to you as you ponder on what you'd like to improve on in your life and/or do new things this year.

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