Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Whiter than Snow

It snowed again this past Sunday morning.  It was absolutely beautiful, but it was also bitter cold. It was the morning of our Christmas cantata, so we were hoping that many would still come out for it.  We had a great turn out and the program was a blessing.  Looking at the snow has made me think of different things, so I wanted to share those with you.  

The first thing I think of is the fact that Jesus washes away our sin "whiter than snow."  

Psalm 51:7 says, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean:  wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."

To me, it is so comforting to know that when we ask God to forgive us, he does.  (I John 1:9)  He keeps His promises and removes our sin.  The concept that I cannot completely fathom is, "what is whiter than snow?"  Snow is so clean, pure, and white that I can't think what is even cleaner and brighter than what we already see.  Amazing, isn't it?  

The other thing I think of when I see the snow is all the fun times I've had over the years outside in the snow.  Growing up in California, I did not experience real winters and all that goes with the snow.  When I was in elementary school, my parents took my sisters and I to Lake Tahoe to experience snow for the first time.  We went sledding, had snowball fights and saw huge icicles forming on the cabin we stayed in.  When I went away to school in Wisconsin, I actually lived through snowy winters for four years.  I made my first snow angel, learned how to ice skate, and had a blast with college friends playing in the snow.  After graduating from college, I moved to Colorado and have enjoyed 12 wintery seasons here.  I love how the snow cascades on the Rocky Mountains.  It makes me think about the One who has made all things beautiful for us to enjoy.

What kinds of things does the snow make you think of?  Is it the thought of the Lord removing our sin and fun memories of playing in the snow like I've shared?

Reflect on these thoughts and have some fun outside!  Make a snow "family", an igloo, snow angel...or just have a snow ball fight!  Just get out there with your loved ones and build great memories.  (And don't forget to have some hot chocolate ready to enjoy when you come back inside.) :)

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