Thursday, December 11, 2008

The White Elephant and Eggnog

Last night we had a couple fun activities for the teens in our Wednesday night service.  Everyone had to bring a gift (no more than $5) for a gift exchange.  They could also bring something from home, a "white elephant" gift, that they no longer need anymore.  All the teens sat in a big circle as one of our leaders read a story.  Each person had a gift in their hands and as the words "right" and "left" were mentioned in the story, the gift had to move in that direction. When the story was completed, whatever gift they had was the gift they were stuck with.  Some were pretty happy with what they received; others, well, not so very happy with the little useless trinket.

At the end of the night, we had our annual "Eggnog Chug."  My husband chose a few guys to stand in a line and chug down a whole quart of full-fat egg nog.  It was a race to see who would be the Eggnog King!  An adult, who was the mystery chugger, also competed, and actually beat out the guys.  I personally love eggnog, but more of the light variety.  Watching those guys go at it just made some of us churn inside!

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