Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yahoo! I saved money today!

Do any of you get reward cards from department stores?  I recently received one from Kohl's (one of my favorite places to shop!) and today was the last day to use it. I have found great clearance deals in there before, so I thought I'd check it out again to use this $10 reward card.  I came home with three items that originally totaled $64.00 for only $2.56!!! I enjoy going in with a list in mind, whether it's for a family member, birthday gift, or just something for fun.  I love using these cards when I get them, but honestly am not sure how I get on their list.  I asked a friend of mine from church if she also received things like this in the mail and she said that she does.  There may be a mystery as to how we get these great gift cards, but all in all it is such a blessing from God.  He knows our needs before we even ask Him, and it's wonderful to see how He supplies things for us.

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