Saturday, November 22, 2008

Music Festival

Yesterday I accompanied my sr. high choir to an all-day event called Festival.  Several schools from our association of Christian schools get together each year and put on a musical concert.  They bring in guest conductors, one for choir and the other for band.  Before the day, choir directors introduced the songs to the students so that they would be somewhat familiar with them.  All day they had rehearsals to get ready for the evening's concert.  They were so exhausted, but the concert went really well.  Parents and visitors who attended were blessed indeed.   It is such an amazing sound to hear a few hundred teens singing praise to God!  

If your child's school doesn't already do something like this, it may be worth the effort to talk to the school administrator or teacher to see if one can be started.  If the school you're involved with isn't already part of an association, perhaps area schools could be contacted and a representative from each school could meet to organize this annual event.  One of the schools would have to host the event, and things like fees would have to be discussed.  College professors make great conductor choices.  They are the ones who help choose the song selections.  Then, all the schools purchase their own copies for the students to use. 

The students are definitely stretched with their musical knowledge and performance skills.  It is such a fun and educational day for them.  As a new director, I'm learning a lot from the guest conductors as well.  

Let me know if you're interested in something like this.  I'd be glad to give you more tips on how to start a Music Festival in your area.

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